What a beautiful day for touring! We could not have asked for a better, more glorious day. It was cool, little sun and the most beautiful breeze. We are very thankful for the day that God provided us with.
Today, we were ready to go bright and early. We first visited the Supreme Court where we learned the age-old government concept of "hurry up and wait!" The tour was worth it, but you will see some of the pictures of that we snapped of the kids who were "meditating" with their eyes closed! It was really neat to be in that place. As you listen to and watch the news, you see and hear about this place, but it all came alive today as we were able to sit in the very place where both great and horrible cases have been heard. What and honor to have been there. Our guide was very informative, but not quite as "peppy" as we needed at our hour of sleepiness! We were allowed to go to the basement level where we were photographed with the late Judge William Rehnquist's bronze statue.
We then went to the Library of Congress. What a beautiful building on the inside! There were ornate arches everywhere throughout the inside and paintings and marbled sayings on the walls that were beautiful. We went to the Lincoln room which housed many great pieces of history. The most memorable to me was the autopsy journal that the doctors took as they autopsied the body of our great 16th president. The journal was open to the page that depicted the removal of Mr. Lincoln's brain. The pages were wrinkled and stained with much blood. The notes were copious and precise. I still cannot believe that I was able to read a portion of that.
There were several pieces of greatness inside this building including the Gutenberg Bible, Thomas Jefferson's personal library, pieces of literature from our American beginnings and many more paintings. In the middle of the library was the actually library itself...the reading room. This is the place where the movie National Treasure was filmed. As we pressed our noses to the glass (a highly safe-guarded area, including bulletproof glass), we were filled with awe at what we were looking at with the many literary triumphs of our time and times past. I decided to ask the gentleman at the front desk how it was that anyone was allowed in the research area. Since I had struck up conversation with him when we entered, he welcomed my questions. He proceeded to explain that you cannot get in without a security pass (essentially a library card of the strictest kind). I and my group evidently looked sad when he leaned over the counter and whispered something in my ear. Before I knew it, we were all bustling down dark corridors and some heavily guarded hallways until we reached the door to the great library. He spoke with a few people, showed credentials and we were ushered in to the very center of learning! Not one of us spoke a word as we looked up as far as we could see to the vast array of reading that was housed there. We stood there for what seemed like hours as he spoke to us and told us many interesting tales of the library. His father was on the movie crew for National Treasure, naturally giving him many privileges. He himself had worked in the White House on many occasions and for many different reasons. Soon, we were hurried out like a herd of little mice. Filled with excitement, we shared our news with the rest of the group and moved on.
As an "enrichment opportunity," we visited the Folger Shakespeare Library. We were able to sit in the balcony of the theatre for the practice of an upcoming play. The little theatre was a fabulous and we enjoyed watching the rehearsal. There was a hall filled with many things from the late, great Edward Devere. The students seemed to really enjoy having that experience. We are so sorry that Miss Troell was not there to expound on the details and facets of Shakespeare. Unfortunately, the Devere Bible was not on display to the public. We were not able to get the private tour for that. Better luck next time!
We ate at Union Station for lunch and then headed to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. It was really great and we were able to experience many different aeronautical things! We also visited the Smithsonian Natural History museum which was great. We saw the Hope diamond...woooo hoooo...that was a doozy! I think that is what I am going to tell Santa that I want for Christmas this year! Wonder if he can pull any strings?
For dinner, we went to Fogo de Chao. What a great time we had there. The food was great and so was the company. We really enjoyed just sitting around and having some fun together. The sponsors learned we could be totally out-eaten by some of your seniors. We most definitely got our money's worth! What fun!
Well, I apologize that there are not more pictures. Please visit again. I will post as many as I am able. The nights are quite late and the mornings early, however, I will do my best to publish more than one!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Washington Wednesday!
Well today was a bit different from the last two! It was rainy, cold and windy, which is strange for this time of year here. We made the most of it and really had an enjoyable day.
This morning, we did a walking tour of the monuments including the World War II memorial, Lincoln and Washington monuments. At the WWII memorial, we saw an entire bus filled with WWII vets. That was very touching to see them looking at a monument dedicated to their sacrifices. I was able to photograph a few of them as they stood there looking at the beautiful marble, probably with memories of horror in their minds. What a touching scene. I was able to speak with a very few and thank them for their service. As our vets are dying by the hundreds, I count it an honor to be able to thank as many as I can see.
We hurried in the rain to the Department of State. We went through the check point only to find out that we had entered the wrong side. We had to then boat down the street (well, not really, but it felt that way!) to another entrance and be "secured" yet again. We were escorted by two Marines to the Diplomatic entertaining rooms. They were beautiful and we really learned a lot about the history of several pieces that were in the rooms including the desk at which the Treaty of Paris was signed and a clock that still works that was made in the 1700's. The furniture and art is valued at over $90 million. We were right there by it all, however we did not touch it due to the staunch Marines standing watching our every move! I was able to get one of them to "break" and actually make conversation with me. He told me that Hillary Clinton was just downstairs, right underneath our feet. She had hosted a breakfast just a short time before our arrival. That was pretty neat to know that she was there, although, she forgot to text me herself to let me know that she was! Oh well, maybe next time.
Next was the Capitol Building tour. We ate lunch among greatness (and maybe not-so-greatness too!) there in the cafeteria of the Capitol. The room was bustling with excitement and casual meetings. As much as I wanted to shout out to find out who I was eating amongst, I did not-thankfully! We met with Congressman Burgess' secretary who guided us to the corridor that runs from the Cannon building to the Capitol rotunda. We were able to have a fabulous tour of many rooms in the Capitol. A special pass provided by Burgess (thank you, sir!) allowed us to sit in on Congress in session. There was a pretty heated debate on a bill concerning hate crimes. I think the students really learned a lot from that because it spawned heated discussion once out of the building. What a neat and wonderful opportunity. We all felt like we were living C-Span!! Oh, to keep track, we went through two more security check points! If you are keeping track, we are actually up to 5! We were quite secure today!
After a quick snack at Starbucks, we headed to church in historic Alexandria. This fairly large Baptist church was started in the 1700's when Benjamin Franklin was making history here. The sermon was great...which you parents would be thankful to know that he discussed being thankful for your parents and your heritage!
The hotel was kind enough to drop us off at our dinner location at the Seafood Market. We enjoyed a lovely fare including mussels, clams and various and sundry interesting-looking seafood choices. To top it off, we had ice cream at an old-fashioned parlor. A few boys went swimming and then came the big bed-crash!
Thanks for checking in today! Pray for the rain to stay away tomorrow! What an amazing time we are having! Thank you again for your support!
This morning, we did a walking tour of the monuments including the World War II memorial, Lincoln and Washington monuments. At the WWII memorial, we saw an entire bus filled with WWII vets. That was very touching to see them looking at a monument dedicated to their sacrifices. I was able to photograph a few of them as they stood there looking at the beautiful marble, probably with memories of horror in their minds. What a touching scene. I was able to speak with a very few and thank them for their service. As our vets are dying by the hundreds, I count it an honor to be able to thank as many as I can see.
We hurried in the rain to the Department of State. We went through the check point only to find out that we had entered the wrong side. We had to then boat down the street (well, not really, but it felt that way!) to another entrance and be "secured" yet again. We were escorted by two Marines to the Diplomatic entertaining rooms. They were beautiful and we really learned a lot about the history of several pieces that were in the rooms including the desk at which the Treaty of Paris was signed and a clock that still works that was made in the 1700's. The furniture and art is valued at over $90 million. We were right there by it all, however we did not touch it due to the staunch Marines standing watching our every move! I was able to get one of them to "break" and actually make conversation with me. He told me that Hillary Clinton was just downstairs, right underneath our feet. She had hosted a breakfast just a short time before our arrival. That was pretty neat to know that she was there, although, she forgot to text me herself to let me know that she was! Oh well, maybe next time.
Next was the Capitol Building tour. We ate lunch among greatness (and maybe not-so-greatness too!) there in the cafeteria of the Capitol. The room was bustling with excitement and casual meetings. As much as I wanted to shout out to find out who I was eating amongst, I did not-thankfully! We met with Congressman Burgess' secretary who guided us to the corridor that runs from the Cannon building to the Capitol rotunda. We were able to have a fabulous tour of many rooms in the Capitol. A special pass provided by Burgess (thank you, sir!) allowed us to sit in on Congress in session. There was a pretty heated debate on a bill concerning hate crimes. I think the students really learned a lot from that because it spawned heated discussion once out of the building. What a neat and wonderful opportunity. We all felt like we were living C-Span!! Oh, to keep track, we went through two more security check points! If you are keeping track, we are actually up to 5! We were quite secure today!
After a quick snack at Starbucks, we headed to church in historic Alexandria. This fairly large Baptist church was started in the 1700's when Benjamin Franklin was making history here. The sermon was great...which you parents would be thankful to know that he discussed being thankful for your parents and your heritage!
The hotel was kind enough to drop us off at our dinner location at the Seafood Market. We enjoyed a lovely fare including mussels, clams and various and sundry interesting-looking seafood choices. To top it off, we had ice cream at an old-fashioned parlor. A few boys went swimming and then came the big bed-crash!
Thanks for checking in today! Pray for the rain to stay away tomorrow! What an amazing time we are having! Thank you again for your support!
**Due to the incredibly slow internet, I can only post a few pictures at a time! Will post as many as I can tonight.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Washington D.C.
We arrived after an hour and a half delay in Dallas due to weather. Sadly, by the time we arrived, we missed our Pentagon tour. We were able to go in and see the front entrance at least! We have had so much fun and seen so many unforgettable things. God has really blessed us with safety and many good opportunities. Yesterday, we visited Arlington National Cemetery and saw the changing of the guards and thousands of tombstones that represented the lives of heroes who were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation.
Today, we saw the White House. We had been there about ten minutes when the police came and shut the street down entirely. We noticed earlier that there were several limousines in front of the White House. We later found out that the President was being moved to the FBI building via the limos that we saw. We did see a motorcade but did not have confirmation that it was the president. We were very thankful that we were able to see and photograph the White House before it was shut down. Next was the visitor center of the White House. We then went to the Smithsonian American History museum. We saw the Star Spangled Banner which was enormous! What a privilege to have been able to see such an old national treasure. There were other amazing pieces of our history including the original Kermit the Frog, Dorothy's red shoes and a Stradivarius violin!
After the American History Museum we visited the National Portrait Gallery that contained all of the paintings of the presidents as well as many other beautiful works of art. Next was Ford's Theatre and the Peterson House. The presidential box is preserved beautifully and what an amazing feeling to be sitting in the middle of where history was made. The Peterson House was pretty great to see with the actual location where Lincoln died, however the bed was moved to a museum in Chicago. Next was the International Spy Museum where we tested our spy skills. I assumed the identity of Ms. Schmidt and was travelling to London on business to gather data. I was born in Germany and was an astronomer. I passed all of my tests (much to my surprise) and was given a commendation by the agency. Go me! Perhaps I should consider a different career path??
We took a walking tour of historic Alexandria by a period-dressed man who was quite entertaining. We then ate at Gadsby's where George Washington ate and spent many hours working while he was president. It is the oldest working restaurant and has been in business since the 1700's. It was a great meal and we learned a lot too!
Thank you for tuning in and check again tomorrow! Thank you for your support. We could not have done this without your help! Pray for good weather and safety.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wooo Hoooo
Make your own sundae Monday!

On Monday, the 20th, the seniors will be having the last fundraiser for this year! We will be serving sundaes on Monday afternoon. There will be dozens of toppings and either chocolate or vanilla ice cream. The cost is $3. Please sign up for a flavor with your teacher by Friday, the 17th.
Thank you so much for your support and see you Monday!
Yard Sale Postponed
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 17th will be the last yard sale for our seniors! If you have items to donate, please contact Mrs. Williams.
If you would like to shop, please feel free to do so from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring a U-Haul and we will gladly fill it for you!
Thank you for your support one last time!
school: 972 436-3480
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thank to you...our wonderful and loyal customers, we were able to raise just a little over $1,000 on Friday because of the lunch special and the movie night! Thanks to all of you who so generously donated and participated to help the seniors!
Hope to see many of the elementary families on Tuesday evening for the family dinner at the church. Scroll down for details!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Family Dinner Night

On Tuesday, April 7, the seniors will be hosting a meal in the fellowship hall before the elementary concert. Getting to the concert on time can be frustrating sometimes, so we are hoping to alleviate that by providing you with a warm, home-cooked meal. We will be serving macaroni and cheese, chicken fingers, and some veggies.
The cost will be $5.00 per person, with a $20.00 cap per family. Please notify your child's teacher by Friday, April 3, if your family will be able to attend, and the number attending.
Thank you for your continued support of the seniors. We are about to reach our goal!
Another Milestone...
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